Abstract Submission
Presentation Abstracts
September 6th will include in-person platform and poster presentations where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with our presenters live! All topics of environmental toxicology and chemistry are welcome! Not only will you share your exciting work with the top researchers in environmental toxicology and chemistry at this year's annual meeting, but students will have the opportunity to win presentation prizes!
September 6th will include in-person platform and poster presentations where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with our presenters live! All topics of environmental toxicology and chemistry are welcome! Not only will you share your exciting work with the top researchers in environmental toxicology and chemistry at this year's annual meeting, but students will have the opportunity to win presentation prizes!
These abstract instructions must be followed for your presentation to be considered by the Program Committee. Abstracts prepared incorrectly may not be considered for this year’s meeting. It is the author’s responsibility to submit in accordance with the instructions.
Abstracts must be 250 words or less. Please use 10-point Helvetica or universal scalable type, and avoid use of special symbols where possible. Please proof-read the abstract carefully because it will be printed as received. The author is responsible for any errors.
Type the abstract single-spaced. Starting on the first line, type the abstract title in bold type, followed by a period. Continue on the same line (as space permits) and type the author’s initials, last name, affiliation, city and state. For multiple authors, separate individual authors’ names and affiliations by a comma. The presenting author’s name should be underlined. Following the last author’s name and address, type the text of the abstract (see sample abstract). The body of the abstract should contain the purpose of the study to be presented, a brief description of the experimental design and procedures, the data that demonstrate the important results obtained, and the main conclusions. Abstracts will be reviewed using these criteria and may be subject to rejection if the criteria are not met.
Please indicate whether a PLATFORM or POSTER session is preferred and whether the main author is a student, so that he/she may be considered for the student award.
Name the file as follows: [LastName][FirstName]_[Student/Prof]_[Platform/Poster].doc; e.g., StantonBecky_Prof_Poster.doc.
Submit your abstract via email to [email protected].
Please note: all presenters must register for the meeting. You will receive an email regarding abstract acceptance.
These abstract instructions must be followed for your presentation to be considered by the Program Committee. Abstracts prepared incorrectly may not be considered for this year’s meeting. It is the author’s responsibility to submit in accordance with the instructions.
Abstracts must be 250 words or less. Please use 10-point Helvetica or universal scalable type, and avoid use of special symbols where possible. Please proof-read the abstract carefully because it will be printed as received. The author is responsible for any errors.
Type the abstract single-spaced. Starting on the first line, type the abstract title in bold type, followed by a period. Continue on the same line (as space permits) and type the author’s initials, last name, affiliation, city and state. For multiple authors, separate individual authors’ names and affiliations by a comma. The presenting author’s name should be underlined. Following the last author’s name and address, type the text of the abstract (see sample abstract). The body of the abstract should contain the purpose of the study to be presented, a brief description of the experimental design and procedures, the data that demonstrate the important results obtained, and the main conclusions. Abstracts will be reviewed using these criteria and may be subject to rejection if the criteria are not met.
Please indicate whether a PLATFORM or POSTER session is preferred and whether the main author is a student, so that he/she may be considered for the student award.
Name the file as follows: [LastName][FirstName]_[Student/Prof]_[Platform/Poster].doc; e.g., StantonBecky_Prof_Poster.doc.
Submit your abstract via email to [email protected].
Please note: all presenters must register for the meeting. You will receive an email regarding abstract acceptance.
Sample Abstract Submission:
Platform presentation preferred
Student presenter
Toxicity of Zinc to Sturgeon. J. G. Smith, University X, San Francisco, CA, H. A. Thompson, Environmental Research Center, Santa Cruz, CA, C. L. Ramirez, Ajax Mining Co., Sacramento, CA. [The first line of the abstract starts here, and typing should be single spaced].
Student presenter
Toxicity of Zinc to Sturgeon. J. G. Smith, University X, San Francisco, CA, H. A. Thompson, Environmental Research Center, Santa Cruz, CA, C. L. Ramirez, Ajax Mining Co., Sacramento, CA. [The first line of the abstract starts here, and typing should be single spaced].