28th Annual Meeting of the Northern California Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
May 2-3, 2019
California EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento
Professional Registration – $90 Advance | $100 On-Site
Student Registration – $65 Advance | $65 On-Site
NorCal SETAC Member Full Day Course – $100
Non Member Full Day Course – $120
Student Full Day Course – $50
Registration includes 2019 Membership Dues for NorCal SETAC!
May 2-3, 2019
California EPA Building
1001 I Street, Sacramento
Professional Registration – $90 Advance | $100 On-Site
Student Registration – $65 Advance | $65 On-Site
NorCal SETAC Member Full Day Course – $100
Non Member Full Day Course – $120
Student Full Day Course – $50
Registration includes 2019 Membership Dues for NorCal SETAC!
“After the Storm: Identifying Impacts and Making Discoveries”Literally and figuratively, California has recently been at the center of a lot of “storm events.” From devastating wildfires to drenching atmospheric rivers, as well as, policy changes that help to remove the deluge of chemicals that appear in our everyday lives.
What have we learned about the environmental toxicology and chemistry of our landscape and our health after these major events? What are our academia, government, and industry colleagues working on to better monitor, analyze, and understand the consequences of these fires, floods, and chemical exposures? What discoveries and tools are needed to inform and prepare decisionmakers and communities in Northern California for future events and impacts?
Join us for the 28th Annual Meeting of NorCal SETAC — our program of short courses and plenary speakers will help to address these questions.
We invite you to submit your proposal to discuss all topics of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry — and we look forward to your registration and attendance in May!
What have we learned about the environmental toxicology and chemistry of our landscape and our health after these major events? What are our academia, government, and industry colleagues working on to better monitor, analyze, and understand the consequences of these fires, floods, and chemical exposures? What discoveries and tools are needed to inform and prepare decisionmakers and communities in Northern California for future events and impacts?
Join us for the 28th Annual Meeting of NorCal SETAC — our program of short courses and plenary speakers will help to address these questions.
We invite you to submit your proposal to discuss all topics of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry — and we look forward to your registration and attendance in May!
Conference Program at a Glance
Please note that the program will be regularly updated as new elements are announced. Full program and bios here.
Thursday | May 2, 2019
Please note that the program will be regularly updated as new elements are announced. Full program and bios here.
Thursday | May 2, 2019
- Short Course (Full Day): Risk Communication (Julie Lincoln & Marcia Ann Rubin | Course Description)
- Short Course (Full Day): “Connecting with Your Audience: Tools for Effective Science Communication” (Ben Young Landis | Creative Externalities | Course Description)
- Plenary Speaker: Meredith Williams PhD, Acting Director, California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Speaker Bio
- Plenary Speaker: Kelly Moran PhD, President, TDC Environmental | Speaker Bio
- Networking Lunch
- Platform and Poster Sessions
Meeting Code of ConductAs with all SETAC and SETAC regional chapter events, conference attendees are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct. Read our Code of Conduct document here (PDF).
Finalized Conference Program!See our Finalized Program below or Click Here for the PDF Version!
Enjoy Sacramento While You Are Here: Parking, Restaurants, and Coffee Shops!