Plenary Speakers
"Are resource recovery insects safe for feed and food? Assessing bioaccumulation and biotransformation of trace organic contaminants during organic waste bioconversion" — Dr. Heather N. Bischel, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis
Heather N. Bischel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Bischel’s research characterizes environmental transport and treatment processes for trace organic contaminants and viruses in water and waste resource recovery systems. Recent projects by her group include enhancing pesticide treatment in woodchips bioreactors, harnessing enzymes in the guts of resource recovery insects to degrade organic contaminants, and understanding bioaccumulation dynamics of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Dr. Bischel also leads wastewater-based disease surveillance programs for UC Davis, Healthy Davis Together, and most recently Healthy Central Valley Together (HCVT), a regional collaborative initiative that aims to increase equity in access to public health data derived from wastewater in rural and underserved communities in California. |

"Next Generation Wildfires: Firestorms at the Wildland Urban Interface" — Dr. Keith Bein, Assoc. Professional Researcher with the Air Quality Research Center, University of California, Davis
Dr. Bein received Bachelor of Science degrees in Physics and Chemistry from California State University Chico and his PhD in Atmospheric Sciences at U.C. Davis. He is currently an Associate Professional Researcher at the Air Quality Research Center, Research Professor at the Center for Health and the Environment, and Director of the Caldecott Tunnel Exposure Facility at UC Davis. His research interests lie at the nexus of air pollution, climate change, and health.
Dr. Bein received Bachelor of Science degrees in Physics and Chemistry from California State University Chico and his PhD in Atmospheric Sciences at U.C. Davis. He is currently an Associate Professional Researcher at the Air Quality Research Center, Research Professor at the Center for Health and the Environment, and Director of the Caldecott Tunnel Exposure Facility at UC Davis. His research interests lie at the nexus of air pollution, climate change, and health.