2023 Annual Meeting Schedule
8:30a ... Registration and Check-In
9:00a ... Opening Remarks
9:15a ... Keynote Speaker: Jackie Lang
9:50 - 11:10a ... Presenter Session #1
11:10a ... Break
11:20a ... Distinguished Early Career Scientist Speaker: Ben Peterson
12:00p ... Lunch
1:20 - 2:40p ... Presenter Session #2
2:40p ... Break & Posters
3:00p ... Keynote Speaker: Richard Connon
3:40 - 4:20p ... Presenter Session #3
4:30p ... Posters & Awards Social (Raffles Drawn)
9:00a ... Opening Remarks
9:15a ... Keynote Speaker: Jackie Lang
9:50 - 11:10a ... Presenter Session #1
11:10a ... Break
11:20a ... Distinguished Early Career Scientist Speaker: Ben Peterson
12:00p ... Lunch
1:20 - 2:40p ... Presenter Session #2
2:40p ... Break & Posters
3:00p ... Keynote Speaker: Richard Connon
3:40 - 4:20p ... Presenter Session #3
4:30p ... Posters & Awards Social (Raffles Drawn)
Please Click on Presentation Titles to see the abstracts.
Keynote Speakers
9:15a, Jackie Lang
When the rubber meets the river: an assessment of 6PPD-quinone on Delta species of conservation concern
2:50p, Richard Connon
The risks of ignoring sublethal effects: a brewing storm
9:15a, Jackie Lang
When the rubber meets the river: an assessment of 6PPD-quinone on Delta species of conservation concern
2:50p, Richard Connon
The risks of ignoring sublethal effects: a brewing storm
Session #1, 9:50 - 11:10
9:50a - M.L. Hladik
Using Silicone Bands and Tissue Residues to Assess the Exposure of Wild Pollinators to Pesticides
10:10a - Pedro Lima, et al.
Characterizing pesticide irrigation and storm runoff from agricultural fields in the Central Coast of California
10:30a - S.H. Peterson, et al.
Mercury bioaccumulation and cortisol interact to influence endocrine and immune biomarkers in adult northern elephant seals
10:50a - J.T. Ackerman, et al.
Methylmercury Effects on Birds: A Review, Meta-Analysis, and Development of Toxicity Reference
9:50a - M.L. Hladik
Using Silicone Bands and Tissue Residues to Assess the Exposure of Wild Pollinators to Pesticides
10:10a - Pedro Lima, et al.
Characterizing pesticide irrigation and storm runoff from agricultural fields in the Central Coast of California
10:30a - S.H. Peterson, et al.
Mercury bioaccumulation and cortisol interact to influence endocrine and immune biomarkers in adult northern elephant seals
10:50a - J.T. Ackerman, et al.
Methylmercury Effects on Birds: A Review, Meta-Analysis, and Development of Toxicity Reference
Distinguished Early Career Scientist Speaker
11:20a, Ben Peterson
Leveraging microbial communities to understand biogeochemical drivers of mercury methylation
11:20a, Ben Peterson
Leveraging microbial communities to understand biogeochemical drivers of mercury methylation
Session #2, 1:20 - 3:10p
1:20p - A. Chandler, et al.
Effects of insecticide on thermal performance and behavior of juvenile Chinook Salmon
1:40p- M.E. Stillway, et al.
Sublethal Responses of Delta Smelt to Contaminants Under Different Flow Conditions
2:00p - S. Acuña, et al.
Contaminants in Structured Decision Making processes for Delta Smelt
2:20p - T.T. Truong (student presenter)
Life stage-dependent ABC Transporter Expression Levels and Okadaic Depuration Rates in Mytilus californianus
1:20p - A. Chandler, et al.
Effects of insecticide on thermal performance and behavior of juvenile Chinook Salmon
1:40p- M.E. Stillway, et al.
Sublethal Responses of Delta Smelt to Contaminants Under Different Flow Conditions
2:00p - S. Acuña, et al.
Contaminants in Structured Decision Making processes for Delta Smelt
2:20p - T.T. Truong (student presenter)
Life stage-dependent ABC Transporter Expression Levels and Okadaic Depuration Rates in Mytilus californianus
Session #3, 3:40 - 4:20p
3:40p - Z.T. Spooner (graduate student presenter), et al.
Characterizing Microplastic and Leachate Accumulation in Wild California Rockfish
4:00p - T. Yan, et al.
Submicron IR combined with simultaneous Raman, or co-located Fluorescence to provide fast and accurate identification of Micro- and Nano-Plastics
3:40p - Z.T. Spooner (graduate student presenter), et al.
Characterizing Microplastic and Leachate Accumulation in Wild California Rockfish
4:00p - T. Yan, et al.
Submicron IR combined with simultaneous Raman, or co-located Fluorescence to provide fast and accurate identification of Micro- and Nano-Plastics
Poster Presentations
S.E. A'Hearn (graduate student presenter), et al.
Assessing the ability of microbes in freshwater systems to degrade aromatic lignin monomers for respiration and growth.
G.P. Black, et al.
Multiresidue extraction of current-use pesticides from complex solid matrices using energized dispersive extraction with analysis by gas and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy
T.A. Bocobo (graduate student presenter), et al.
A Large Volume Injection Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Measurement of Wastewater Tracers in Aqueous Systems
A. Chandler, et al.
Impacts of storm-driven contaminants on larval Delta
A. Feerick (graduate student presenter), et al.
Hydrophilic Lipophilic Balanced Retainability in the Context of Chemical Space
S. Grinstead (graduate student presenter), et al.
Untargeted Metabolomic Profiling of Aquilegia Floral Nectar via HPLC-MS/MS Analysis.
C.A. Hartman, et al.
Egg mercury concentration and egg size varies with position in the laying sequence in two songbird species.
D. Lin (undergraduate student presenter), et al.
Identification of microplastics and quantification of plasticizers in marine mammals off the California coast.
E. Martinez (graduate student presenter), et al.
Review and Recommendations of Bifenthrin Mixtures in the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta for a Changing Future
M.R. Olson, et al.
Measuring Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions using CARB Portable Emissions AcQuisitions System (PEAQS): Roadside Plume Capture Method and Implementation of Real-Time VOC Quantification.
A. Tanveer, Z. Zaki (undergraduate student presenters), et al.
Bisphenol A differentially impacts locomotor activities and axon guidance in Drosophila melanogaster from distinct genetic backgrounds.
A. Voulfson (undergraduate student presenter), et al.
Measuring lead and mercury exposure in Migratory Golden Eagles
N. Williams (graduate student presenter), et al.
Identification and quantification of potentially hazardous chemicals emitted by Consumer 3D printers.
S.E. A'Hearn (graduate student presenter), et al.
Assessing the ability of microbes in freshwater systems to degrade aromatic lignin monomers for respiration and growth.
G.P. Black, et al.
Multiresidue extraction of current-use pesticides from complex solid matrices using energized dispersive extraction with analysis by gas and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy
T.A. Bocobo (graduate student presenter), et al.
A Large Volume Injection Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Measurement of Wastewater Tracers in Aqueous Systems
A. Chandler, et al.
Impacts of storm-driven contaminants on larval Delta
A. Feerick (graduate student presenter), et al.
Hydrophilic Lipophilic Balanced Retainability in the Context of Chemical Space
S. Grinstead (graduate student presenter), et al.
Untargeted Metabolomic Profiling of Aquilegia Floral Nectar via HPLC-MS/MS Analysis.
C.A. Hartman, et al.
Egg mercury concentration and egg size varies with position in the laying sequence in two songbird species.
D. Lin (undergraduate student presenter), et al.
Identification of microplastics and quantification of plasticizers in marine mammals off the California coast.
E. Martinez (graduate student presenter), et al.
Review and Recommendations of Bifenthrin Mixtures in the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta for a Changing Future
M.R. Olson, et al.
Measuring Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions using CARB Portable Emissions AcQuisitions System (PEAQS): Roadside Plume Capture Method and Implementation of Real-Time VOC Quantification.
A. Tanveer, Z. Zaki (undergraduate student presenters), et al.
Bisphenol A differentially impacts locomotor activities and axon guidance in Drosophila melanogaster from distinct genetic backgrounds.
A. Voulfson (undergraduate student presenter), et al.
Measuring lead and mercury exposure in Migratory Golden Eagles
N. Williams (graduate student presenter), et al.
Identification and quantification of potentially hazardous chemicals emitted by Consumer 3D printers.